Changing Families One Child at a Time


This ministry is dedicated to helping families in Juarez, Mexico by touching children’s lives first. We are partnered with small orphanages and churches in Juarez, the Juarez county small towns of Loma Blanca, Waterfill and Guadalupe.
During the drug wars between 2008 – 2012 which claimed over 3,700 lives in just one of those years, many children were left orphaned and abandoned. Local churches have tried to help but only bring in $6 a week to help. That is where we come in.
The first year we blessed 490 children with the Gospel, a full party with candy bags, food, pinatas and toys. The second year we blessed over 740 children but some were turned away. We do not want this to happen again.
For only $7 a child you can bless one child for Christmas! How many children will you bless?

What We Do

Mission Juarez Mexico, located in the heart of El Paso, TX with support coming from Grand Haven, MI, is a charitable foundation dedicated to helping the Children of Mexico. With the dedication of our volunteers, staff members, and partners, we strive to improve the lives of families through blessing the children within the community. Contact us to see what you can do to bless the little children who will go without this year.

The Boy Asleep on the Rocks...


I remember walking down a busy inner city street of Juarez, Mexico. I was enjoying a leisure time using my U.S. Dollars to take advantage of the savings. Right now it is $1 to $18 pesos. As I looked around I saw young children juggling in the streest, shining shoes, selling chiclets (small bits of gum), women with their children on the streets begging for money and I began to feel disgusted with myself. As I walked around a back alley, which is not safe, I found a small child about 3 years old, alone and passed out face down on a pile of rocks. As I thought to do something, thinking he was dead, he woke up and ran off frightened. No parents in site. It was then that the Lord pressed on my heart to do something.
From 2008 to 2012, the city of Juarez, Mexico with 1.3 million people was widely deemed the most dangerous place on Earth. Murders shot above 3,700 in the worst year. Criminals kidnapped and extorted with impunity. A quarter of all cars stolen in Mexico were stolen in Juarez. Businesses closed by the thousands. Anarchy descended. The years before this were riddled with missing young girls between the ages of 14 – 22. This sparked the creation of the Hollywood tv series called The Bridge.
At the very height of the conflict, in 2010, there were an average 8.5 to 20 homicides (for a total of 3,766) and eight kidnappings per day. Since 2012 the violence has declined but its affects still remain. These heinous crimes have left many children no choice but to become the sole provider for their families at 10 years old, take up a trade and many have been left orphaned. There are not enough facilities to house the orphaned children.
Over the past year, more than 17,000 manufacturing jobs have been added in Juarez, the largest manufacturing labor market on the U.S.-Mexico border. Factories are expanding, investors are building new factories and some production is returning from China. Yet manufacturing workers in Juarez remain among the lowest paid in Mexico. They make about $14 a day for 8-10 hours of work.
Our ministry wants to be part of the healing that is now slowly taking place in this third world city. Although we feel we cannot help everyone, we have taken on the attitude of helping one child at a time.
We have seen the need grow more and more. It is a painful thing to turn away children from being able to enjoy a small toy because we have run out. It hurts to turn away parents who need help and we do not have enough food to give them. We need your help.

What we take for granted

Christmas Donations

In the United States, Christmas has become a right to many children. In Mexico, it is a desire. The poverty in Juarez, Mexico is so drastic that many children go without food on Christmas, not to mention never getting a gift. We believe that if we feed, entertain and give the children the gift of Christmas, we can then offer them the gift of Salvation.
We do this by finding a facility in the city where we partner with churches in the area. We ask them to give us a count of children they personally know will go without this Christmas. We have them invite them to our toy giveaway.
During the giveaway, we set up a projector and make it a movie night. Many of these children have never been to a movie theater before. We serve them a meal and share the Gospel. Then we show the Christian Children’s movie with popcorn. We hand out toys to every child present.
The smiles and tears on their faces is all the repayment ever needed.
This year we do not want to turn down any children. We are expecting over 100. We want to be able to allow as many children as possible to enjoy the time. But to do this we need your help.

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